Deena Kara Shaffer






Parents, does it ever feel like hardly a week—or day—goes by without a tantrum or raised voice in your house? Does parenting feel stressful—too stressful? As a family, are you struggling with how to c
Ever feel lonely in your relationships? Unheard in conversations? Loneliness can be exacerbated by how we do, or don’t, listen. And this can affect both the physical and psychological health of indivi
The raw ingredients of conception may seem simple, but the truth is that our body is a complex system—and the machinery of conception requires an intricate fusion of factors to succeed. Menstrual cycl
Ever wanted to let it all out? To speak your mind? To share what’s in your heart? Turns out, talking is good for your health! Read on to learn about the therapeutic side of talking. Sharing feelings,
Do you view the world in black and white? Feel like it’s all or nothing? Prone to making snap decisions? Struggle to see compromises? Learn about the importance of making space for the myriad shades o
In some communities, the options for kids’ schooling abound. From home-based to city-run, baby-signing to multilingual, along with specializations in music, art, sport, or yoga, how do parents make th

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