alive Editorial






Milk Matters

A long-time companion of vegans everywhere, plant-based milks are growing in popularity. With a variety of options to choose from, plant-based milks are now made from nuts, grains, legumes, and more,
There’s no denying it: protein has power—over our health and over the dietary choices we make each day. Whether you’re currently a plant-based eater or interested in exploring the lifestyle, it’s impo

It’s a trap!

Ever knocked back a multivitamin with your morning latte? Or felt super virtuous after opting for an organic vegan doughnut? News flash: you might be guilty of a dietary faux pas or deux. It’d be nice
The battle of the holiday bulge is a well-worn cliché, but the same cycle of fun, frivolity, and indulgence almost inevitably brings the familiar remorse when we step on the scales in the New Year. Tr
Our overall sense of balance can really be thrown off during the hectic holiday season. And unbalanced blood sugar levels brought on by bad diet choices and lack of exercise can play a big role. Look

Pure Magic

Raise your hand if you spend a little extra time on social media looking for the most gorgeous, comforting plant-based foods as soon as cold weather strikes. Is your (sweater-covered) arm in the air?

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